​​​​​​​BCPL Loan History

BCPL makes loans to municipalities and school districts for public purpose projects including economic development, local infrastructure, capital equipment and vehicles, building repairs and improvements, and refinancing existing liabilities to reduce future borrowing costs. 

Today BCPL is among the largest public investors in economic development projects and local infrastructure projects within the State of Wisconsin. 
NOTE:  The disbursed amount for loans may be less than the approved amount because loan recipients are not obligated to borrow the full amount of the approved loan, only the funds required to complete the project. 

History of BCPL Loans by County (2000 - 2024​​):

NOTE:  reports were last updated on 8/27/2024​​​ (loans disbursed after this date will not be shown in reports).

  • Click​ here to view a pdf listing all of the loans processed by BCPL since 2000 (loans are listed by year and then county). Note: Some loan recipient's boundaries cross county lines, only their primary county is listed in the report. 
  • Click her​e to download a spreadsheet listing all of the loans processed by BCPL since 2000 (loans are listed by county then municipality). Note: Some loan recipient's boundaries cross county lines.  The 'Primary County' column list the main county of the recipient while the 'All Counties' column list all counties the recipient is located in.

​​In 2021, BCPL celebrated the 150th anniversary of​ the State Trust Fund Loan Program.​

Trust Fund Loan Programs 150th Anniversary Certificate ​