| #1 - S1707
| 030-00743-0000
| The SW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 13, Township 20 North, Range 6 East, Town of Rome, Adams County, Wisconsin. This 40-acre parcel is landlocked, although pedestrian access may be available through DNR land to the west. Cover type is a mixture of woods, grass and brush and topography is mostly level.
| #1 - S2304
| 010-00359-0000
| The NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 36, Township 43 North, Range 2 West, Town of Gordon, Ashland County, Wisconsin. The parcel is located on Thunder Stick Road, three miles from Hwy 13, north of Glidden. It contains approximately 37.69 acres, six of which are upland. The upland abuts the road on the west side of the parcel. Electric and telephone utilities are available at the road. The upland consists of a mixture of northern hardwoods, fir, spruce, and aspen. The lowland area contains tamarack and lowland brush.
$33,900 |
| #1 - S1115
| 014-2211-01 600
| The NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 11 all located in Township 38 North, Range 15 West, Town of La Follette, Burnett County, Wisconsin.
$38,000 SOLD | 
| #1 - S0936
| 23008-0841-00000000
| The NE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 8, Township 30 North, Range 8 West, Eagle Point Township, Chippewa County, Wisconsin. This 40 acre parcel is 90 percent lowland with two small islands of higher ground that are wooded with spruce, tamarack, and balsam. This parcel is landlocked and is bordered on all sides by private lands.
$36,000 SOLD | 
| #1 - S1702
| BE-004-00373-00
| The NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 22, Township 46 North, Range 11 West, Town of Bennett, Douglas County, Wisconsin. This 40-acre parcel is at the end of Gander Lake Road and is mostly upland with a mix of timber cover, being primarily oak. A driveway easement on the northern portion of the parcel provides access to the landowner to the east. DNR land abuts the parcel on the west.
$59,000 SOLD
| #2 - S1703
| HI-016-00506-00
| The SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 27, Township 45 North, Range 10 West, Town of Highland, Douglas County Wisconsin.
$14,000 SOLD |
Eau Claire
| #1 - S1401
| 026104105000
| The NW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 16, Township 27 North, Range 5 West, Town of Wilson, Eau Claire County, Wisconsin.
$13,800 SOLD | 
| No parcels are available for private sale at this time.
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| | | No parcels are available for private sale at this time.
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| #1 - S1402
| NE 880
| The SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 33, Township 38 North, Range 8 East, Town of Newbold, Oneida County, Wisconsin. This 40-acre landlocked parcel is almost all lowland bog or submerged by Frederick Flowage.
$22,000 | 
| #2 - S1706
| ST 186
PI 276
| The SE ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 13, Township 37 North, Range 10 East, Stella Township and the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 18, Township 37 North, Range 11 East, Piehl Township, both located in Oneida County, Wisconsin. The subject consists of two adjoining tax parcels totaling approximately 100 acres. The property is mostly lowland and is forested with swamp conifers (primarily black spruce and tamarack) and a few small stands of northern hardwoods. The property has over 1,000 feet of lowland frontage on a small unnamed lake. There is no legal access to the property.
$35,000 SOLD | 
| S1807
| MI 306
| The NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 4 East, Town of Minocqua, Oneida County, Wisconsin. This 40-acre parcel is landlocked and has level topography. The parcel consists of approximately 16 acres of upland and is moderately stocked with aspen, maple, and birch. The lowland area consists of swamp conifer.
$27,000 SOLD |
| S2403
| SU-405 SU-406 SU-407 SU-408 SU-448 SU-449
| The SW ¼ of Section 29 and the N ½ of the NW ¼ of Section 32, all in Township 38 North, Range 9 East, Town of Sugar Camp, Oneida County, Wisconsin. This property consists of 251.23 acres of landlocked black spruce swamp. There is no legal access to the property.
$157,000 |
| #1 - S1117-B1
| 50-006-2-37-01-35-3 01-000-1000
| The NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 35, Township 37 North, Range 1 West, Town of Elk. This 40-acre landlocked parcel has approximately 4 acres of highland wooded with aspen. The lowlands contain swamp conifer and open lands. This parcel has 1300 feet of frontage on Wilson Creek.
$18,000 | 
| #2 - S1117-B2
| Part of 50-006-2-37-01-35-3 03-000-1000
| The SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 35, Township 37 North, Range 1 West, Town of Elk. This 40-acre landlocked parcel is all lowland wooded with scattered swamp conifer. This parcel has 1300 feet of frontage on Wilson Creek.
$14,000 | 
| #3 - S1117-B3
| Part of 50-006-2-37-01-35-3 03-000-1000
| The SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 35, Township 37 North, Range 1 West, Town of Elk. This 40-acre landlocked parcel has approximately 7 acres of highland wooded with aspen. The lowlands contain scattered swamp conifer and the parcel has over 1300 feet of poor creek frontage on Wilson Creek.
$18,000 | 
| #4 - S1117-B4
| 50-006-2-37-01-34-3 04-000-1000
| The SE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 34, Township 37 North, Range 1 West, Town of Elk. This 40-acre landlocked parcel has approximately 29 acres of highland wooded with aspen and fir. The lowlands are wooded with swamp conifer. This parcel has over 600 feet of desirable frontage on Wilson Creek.
$24,000 | 
| #5 - S1117-B5
| 50-006-2-37-01-34-4 03-000-1000
| The SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 34, Township 37 North, Range 1 West, Town of Elk. This 40-acre landlocked parcel has approximately 14 acres of highland wooded with aspen and fir. The lowlands are wooded with swamp conifer. This parcel has over 1300 feet of poor frontage on Wilson Creek.
$22,000 | 
| #6 - S1117-B6
| 50-006-2-37-01-34-3 04-000-1000
| The SE ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 34, Township 37 North, Range 1 West, Town of Elk. This 40-acre landlocked parcel has approximately 15 acres of highland wooded with aspen and swamp conifer. This parcel has 1300 feet of poor creek frontage on Wilson Creek.
$18,000 | 
| S2101
| 50-018-2-36-01-05-3 04-000-10000
50-018-2-36-01-08-2 01-000-10000
| The SE/SW of Section 5 and the NE/NW and NW/NW of Section 8, all in Township 36 North, Range 1 West, Town of Harmony, Price County, Wisconsin. Approximately 120 acres adjacent to county land with 2,800 feet of frontage on Carpenter Creek, a class one trout stream. The tract is landlocked but pedestrian access is available from Carpenter Creek Road across county land. Prospective bidders may contact the county forestry department to inquire about an access permit to drive to the parcel. The tract is approximately 13% upland with level topography and 86% forested with a mix of swamp conifer and upland hardwoods. The hardwoods are well-stocked with maple, basswood, and birch. The swamp conifer stands consist of cedar, black spruce, tamarack, and black ash. Other stands include swamp hardwoods and lowland brush.
$78,900 |
| S2102
| 50-018-2-36-01-17-4 01-000-10000
| The NE/SE of Section 17 in Township 36 North, Range 1 West, Town of Harmony, Price County, Wisconsin. Approximately 40 acres, landlocked, 16% upland, level topography. Tract is 65% forested with a mix of upland hardwoods and aspen with small stands of red pine pole timber. The lowland is comprised of tamarack/black spruce bogs. There a few small ponds on the property.
$20,000 |
| S2103
| 50-018-2-36-01-20-1 02-000-10000
| The NW/NE, SW/NE, and NE/NW of Section 20 in Township 36 North, Range 1 West, Town of Harmony, Price County, Wisconsin. Approximately 120 acres, landlocked, 32% upland, level topography. Tract is 87% forested with a mix of lowland swamp conifers and upland hardwoods, including hard maple, white ash, red maple, basswood, and fir/spruce.
$78,800 |
| S2105
| 50-002-2-35-01-27-3 03-000-10000
| The SW/SW of Section 27 in Township 35 North, Range 1 West, Town of Catawba, Price County, Wisconsin. Approximately 40 acres, landlocked, level topography. Based on air photo and topographic map interpretation, the tract is less than 1% upland and is 30% forested with a mix of lowland swamp conifer, swamp hardwoods, and lowland brush. One could walk a half mile from the end of Timber Road across MFL-open lands to access the parcel.
$12,950 | 
| S2108
| 50-032-4-34-03-20-4 01-000-10000
| The NE/SE of Section 20 in Township 34 North, Range 3 East, Town of Spirit, Price County, Wisconsin. Approximately 40 acres, landlocked, 18% upland, level topography. Tract is 100% forested with a mix of lowland bog (black spruce and tamarack). The upland primarily contains a hemlock stand mixed with fir/spruce.
$20,350 SOLD |
| S2201
| 01-610-2103000 (9537) and part of 01-610-1906000 (9534)
| The SE/NW and NW/SW of Section 17 and the SE/SE of Section 18, all in Township 36 North, Range 1 East, Town of Hackett, Price County, Wisconsin. This tract consists of three parcels aligned kitty-corner from each other. One parcel has frontage on Highway 13 while the other two are technically landlocked. There is a total of approximately 120 acres in the tract, which is about 45% upland. The upland consists of recently thinned northern hardwood stands, aspen saplings, and red maple. Lowlands consist of tamarack, swamp hardwoods, and lowland brush. Utilities are available at the road.
$102,000 SOLD | 
| S2202
| part of
01-610-1906000 (9534)
| The NE/SE and SE/SE of Section 17 in Township 36 North, Range 1 East, Town of Hackett, Price County, Wisconsin. Approximately 80 acres with access from Highway 13. The tract is about 3% upland and is 50% forested with a mix of tamarack and spruce/fir. Utilities are available at the road.
$48,000 | 
| #1 - S0934
| 032-00515-0000 032-00518-0000
| The NE ¼ of the SW ¼ and the SE ¼ of the SW ¼, all located in Section 27, Township 36 North, Range 3 West, South Fork Township, Rusk County, Wisconsin. This 80 acre parcel, landlocked is 92 percent lowland and wooded with swamp hardwood pole timber.
$60,000 | 
| #2 - S0935
| 028-00458-0000
| The SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 26, Township 35 North, Range 4 West, Richland Township, Rusk County, Wisconsin. This 40 acre parcel is 88 percent upland and is nicely wooded with mixed northern hardwood pole timber and saw timber. This parcel is landlocked and is bordered on all sides by private lands.
$46,000 | 
| #1 - S0912
| 014-00188-0000
| The NW ¼ of the NE ¼ of Section 12, Township 31 North, Range 3 East, Goodrich Township, Taylor County, Wisconsin. This 40 acre parcel with ¼ mile of road frontage along Spring Drive is mostly lowland and wooded with spruce, tamarack, and balsam. There is a six acre area in the Southeast corner that was recently harvested.
$48,000 | 
| #2 - S0914
| 036-00617-0000
| The SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 34, Township 32 North, Range 4 West, Pershing Township, Taylor County, Wisconsin.
$28,000 SOLD
| #1 - S1406
| 26-2029
| The SW ¼ of the SE ¼ of Section 7, Township 40 North, Range 11 East, Town of Washington, Vilas County, Wisconsin.
$26,000 SOLD | 
| #2 - S1407
| 28-373
| Government Lot 19 of Section 8, Township 43 North, Range 5 East, Town of Winchester, Wisconsin. This 20-acre parcel is wooded with aspen, fir, tamarack and swamp hardwoods. South Turtle Lake Road runs through this parcel. There may be several building sites on this parcel.
$43,000 SOLD | 
| #3 - S1112
| 022-1073
| The SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 28, and the NW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 33, all located in Township 44 North, Range 6 East, Town of Presque Isle, Vilas County, Wisconsin. This 80 acre landlocked parcel is mostly lowland and wooded with aspen, tamarack, and spruce. The north 40 has five acres of aspen and 35 acres of nicely stocked tamarack. The south 40 has 7 acres of upland with mature aspen, 10 acres of scattered tamarack, 5 acres of alder and 18 acres of well stocked tamarack.
$80,000 | 
| #4 - S2402
| 14-219
14-293 14-293-01 14-293-02 14-293-03 14-294 14-314 14-314-01
| The SW ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 4, the entire NE ¼ and the NE ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 8, and the NW ¼ and the SW ¼ of the NW ¼ of Section 9, all located in Township 39 North, Range 10 East, Town of Lincoln, Vilas County, Wisconsin. This block of land consists of approximately 314.14 acres and is located on Sundstein Road, just two miles south of Eagle River. It is about 30% upland, however, very little upland is along the road. The upland contains a mix of aspen and firs/spruce stands. The lowland is mainly tag alder but also includes stands of swamp hardwood, tamarack and swamp conifer.
$393,000 | 
| | | No parcels are available for private sale at this time.
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