​Submerged Logging

Recovery of Submerged Logs in the Waters of Wisconsin

Long ago, loggers used lakes and rivers to transport their logs to saw mills located downstream. Some of these logs sank or became entrapped in the mud at the bottom of the water and have remained there for many years.

By law, these logs are owned by the state and it is necessary to follow a permitting process to legally retrieve these logs. Obtaining a permit from BCPL will also require approvals from the DNR, State Historical Society, and the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. For more information on the permit process, or if you are interested in obtaining a permit, contact: 

Mailing: PO Box 277 | Lake Tomahawk, WI 54539-0277 
Location: 7271 Main St | Lake Tomahawk, WI 54539 
Phone: (715) 277-3366 
Fax: (715) ​277-3363

*NOTE: A new law allows a veteran, meeting certain criteria, to receive a one time waiver of certain occupational license fees or permit fees. Contact our Madison office for more information.

Section 50 of 2011 Act 209 provides that no application fee for a submerged logging permit is required for an individual who is eligible for the Veterans Professional/Occupational Licensure Fee Waiver Program under Wisconsin Statutes section 45.44.

For more information on this new law please visit fee waiver page on the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs website.